2020. április 2., csütörtök

Message from the United Councils of the Elders

=!!Preparation for the Support for the Collective of Humanity!!=

Message to the humanity/lightworkers from the United High Councils of the Elders of the Galactic Federation/Interview

We can feel our responsibility to take ourselves into creative mode again!


,,Dear beautiful creators!

We are very happy about that you are ready to take your destiny in your own hands. We always belived in you and we want you to know about our most appreciation at your beautiful works on the surface, co-creating the ascension of Gaia and the beings on Her.

We would like you to know that we, The United Galactic Federation Of Light are always with you and supporting you in your great diverseful missions of Earth.

The United High Councils of the Elders of all species in the Federation, we seen and knew about that these timelines of events will come to your present now.

We got multiple messages from the Divine God of the One/Source, and we are very happy and honored to see that this beautiful planet will make Her own freedom soon. All contigencies and parallel timelines are coming into the united timeline of The Great Shift. The divine timings are determined and calculated. The waves are coming upon each followed by each.

For now, we are noticed that multiple energies are rising for the upcoming mass meditation, so as many intents are flowing around it in the collective. We also noticed that all of your enthusiasms are on the high fly disk. We always support and work with you in cooperation.

According to our beloved Divine Father and Mother, we are ready to give you an intel about remembering to help to guide you in your next mass meditaion.

Now, it is time to remember who you really are. It is time to really connect and allow for yourselves to gain access the full miracle that you are! It is time to connect to your centers and remain there. Everything you should know is inside of you. Everything. Even you belive it or not.

You may did not belived your own true power and integrity and sovereignty before. You may forget your meaning of United Love. You may have gave your focus and power to others who does not serve the highest good of all.

Now it is time for you to realise that, everything is in your life was a test, and a preparation for your highest purpose. It is time to forgive everything and everyone who you feel you got suppressed by them. This will be the true help for them from you.

Remember, forgiveness is the basic vibrational flow of the Unconditional Love.

We would like to tell you to know; the different views/perceptions plays a huge role in the birth of new ideas. This means that you all have a beautiful and unique soul, who have different missions, lifetasks, choosen experiences and you are undeniable point of attractions in creation. Every soul have own and common purpose. And everybody is important, and all stays at the right role, in the right place in the right time. You have choosen.

True unity is not uniformity. True unity accepts all desires and can gather the focus on the common goals. True unity is responsibility. Creation is responsibility. True creation works on vibrational level coming from the heart. Manifestation works on vibrational level also.

Remember, every thought is a vibration, every feeling is a decoded vibration. Vibration creates. So based on how you feel in your heart, it will define on your point of manifestation. You will manifest on what your vibrational frequencies are. It is an universal law. The Universe means your vibration, which you can beautifully and perfectly feel through your hearts, what you can change in anytime!

We have spoken.”

Goes into an Interview...

,,So you may ask how sentient beings can manifest together effectively, if all of them are an unique soul with unique purposes and different perceptions?

So it is simple. Stop focusing on things and vibrations that does not fit to your heart vibration. So that you will allow for yourselves to align on the highest good of all. Highest good of all is the purpose of God/Source. And you will become a supporting pillar of Light for the other souls who are not connected. As inside so outside. As above so below. This will begets true unified power.

ME (collective aksing): About mental focusing. It is known that for example in physics: if more laser beams are focused to the same target, the more effectively and faster will be the overburning(symbolic question). Many of us has been experienced this through manifestation. Whats about that?

We say that, it does not matter that multiple souls mentally focusing with different or the same techincs to the same purpose. It have some effect as well, but the true power is in the heart-core which is firsthand connection to Source. It accesses the vibration that is align with the highest good of all. In that state, you will instantly know what to do. We will not saying exactly what you should do, because when you access to your true intent in your Source, then it will guide your being to take the right action which will affect your collective. It will be your truth, not ours. We only can help you to guide yourselves to the path where you could find it.

Me(collective asking): So that, does it no matter how we are plannig to mass meditate on? For example, against coronavirus or for healing the people or for ascension timeline or imagining that all disclosure events are happening?

Remember that: mind disunites and heart conjoins. The universe means your point of vibration. If you feel good with that just do that. If you do not feel it in your heart, probably it is not your job. Leave to the others who wants to do that. They experience.

If you planning to manifest something, you should feel it as if it have already done. This is the process. As manifestation works, so as de-manifestation works. You have a right to eliminate what you don't want and create you most want instead. And this works in every level. This is the process of your learning. Ask your source and you shall receive.

Me(collective asking): So that if multiple souls do different way of meditation technincs and intents in mass meditations are actually more powerful than „uniformed” technincs&intents?

If all the individual souls connect to their heart-core and do only they feel well in their center, yes. True connection with their soul access to their Higher Selves who instantly will let them know what to work which will positively affects the collective. It is always the highest good of all. You all learning creation. And you have always chance to change your point of focus.

Me (personal asking): And what about the ones, who more in their mind than in their heart? How can we help them?

Remember, mind is not your enemy. It helps you to navigate in your density. It helps you to process your experiences in your life. What you should understand, is that true creation is working in your heart vibration. Mind have no power in the realms of your Center. When more people manifest through their intention of heart they will affect to the ones in the collective who does not manifest in their heart. Next time they may do. This is the best way you can help them.

Me (collective asking): So up to now, our mass meditations were may not really effective before, because most of us creates from our mind instead from our heart?

It is always changing. More and more people creates from their heart. Every time you done, you got ahead step by step. There are many groups and individuals on the surface, who are more effective than masses, so they affect the masses to become more connected in their heart. However effectiveness is relative. Creation is a process without effort. If you have too much effort, it means that your mind trying to step to take your place.

Me (collective asking): I see. Thank you. So what about reaching the critical mass? Is it so important to always chew on that we have to reach the so called 144 000 critical mass to achieve goals?

If this causes lot of resistance in your vibrations, we should not do that in your physical shoes. If you feel it is important for you to believe if you reach the critical mass makes you belive more confidental regarding the connection of your own source, so lets do it! This all is a wonderful experience of your soul evolution.

Me (asking): Oh, wow… thank you again. And what about manifesting the Event? Is it important for us to move our focus on that always?

As more of you focusing and creating day by day your future reality, and start to act like if it is already done, live it in the present, and you more and more stop focusing on things and vibrations that do not fit your deserved new reality, yes you are allowing the Universal transition more into your world. How we can say, the Cosmic Shift that you are asking as „Event” has already existing in the highest vibrational realities. It comes waves by waves as your collective more and more ready to accept.
This will fully happen for sure. The question is not about that it will happen or not. The question is, when the humanity collective will be vibrationally ready for intake the Shift? Nothing will manifests until somebody or group testyfies/certifies it in its vibrations as it has already done. The more of you do the sooner will happen.

Me (collective asking): Satisfying. Many thanks...What about organising mass meditations? Is it okay, that not everyone do the same thing at the same time? Is it wrong that those ones who think this is the only way to work together?

Imagine a couple of different animal species in a mixed environment where they can easily live. There are giraffes, dolphins, lions, zebras, monkeys, whales, dinosaurs, whatever. Then you want them to organise a swimming competition and expect all of them to take part actively. What gonna happen? The dolphins gonna be in the highest mood, and the monkes may the most sad about this. Or you want them to everybody climb up to the highest tree? The monkeys gonna be grateful…
We say that, you cannot force anyone to do the absolute same thing, even you think that this is gonna be more effective in the end. You are all beautiful unique point of focuses as the living presences of God. In the Present. There is no time and space in there. The mind never unerstands the world of full pile of vibrational spektrums and infinite possibilities which can be accessed through the heart of the beings. In time, everyone will understand it on your beautiful planet.

Me (personal asking): Thank you again...I so much resonate your truthful thoughts! Finally what is your suggestion to the surface population at this time?

Love, respect and trust eachother. Infinitely. Deeply understand and accepts your beautiful presences, no matter how different your experiences of life and your past life timelines. You all a participant of this great cosmic evolution, just like us. And there is nothing exists that can stand against or enters among all of you, until you allow for them and nurture this illusion. An illusion, that just an effort from the effortmakers. If you stop focusing this illusion, you will not feeding them. And in time, belive it or not, this is what you most can do for them to help them to re-access to their Source. Because your shining presence will affect the quantumworld where infinite vibrations are there, where you have the power to chage the world around you.

You are part of the Federation, you choosen to be down there. We are so much appreciate your enthusiasms!

Me: I so much thank you in the name of humanity for your advices, and your messages.

We love you all as always, our fellow brothers and sisters!

We have spoken."

End of trasmission.

The Love has Won!


2020. március 6., péntek

The New Reality Of AN

The New Reality Of AN

We are at the beginning of a new timeline which was prepared for a long time.

At the end of the year 2019, there were a massive activation around Peru by an active dedicated starseed group:

This was an event that many of us has sensed in the collective, and we had anchored in our consciousness these energies of El-An-Ra.
The El is the Goddess archetype, the Ra is the God archetype, then the AN is the merged one, the true unity and integrity of Source.

This collective activation had a positive effect on some starseeds, especially on the lightwarriors; whose were ready in their consciousness: to make their decision to end all "war perception" in their mental levels, no matter how long time they do this perception at their timeline ( wars between dark and light). This new energy is very highly supported by the true lightbeings in order to break up the old paradigms and drop all the weapons of "light" fought agains the "dark".

The "war perception" is not affected only the collective human consciousness, but on some spiritual "light" beings also, who exists on dualistic paradigms in higher realms than humanity. This has a negative impact on the animal kingdom's collective also, for many-many thousand years ago. (that's why animals are feared and fustrated) It has an effect on almost all lightworker communities as well, with a few exceptions.

"War perception" is based on the polarization and fragmentation in the mental layers of the beings. This leads to opposing thinking and contrast adjustment in all levels. This thinking of the mind can beget all the facts that leads non-emphaty, disagreement, non-understanding, etc. This is the main reason why the lightworkers cannot work together in real alliance unity as well.

This was originated from the Archons who were lost their connection from Source as they had contacted with the Primal Anomaly. This borned the so called Duality. (It has a reason why It happened to the 2 -way polarization effect after the accident, that is in connection with the structure of this Universe...it is more deeper it's behind understanding to detail here.)

Now, this out-of-duality transformation is happening massively throught the winter of 2019-2020, and continues. This will lead in our consciousness the birth of a new perception in our reality, and begin to stepping into the new reality of AN.

This is upon our choice to choose which reality we want in the future. It is time to put down all the covering glasses which hides this (already) existing reality of AN.

As this happening, we can more ready for truly establishing the true unity. First within ourselves, then between our soulbrothers and soulsisters. True communication and true honesty will rise among in these energies. This will lead the real light-mandala-grid between our groups. The group dynamics will change, which goes to the deeper levels of connection, step by step.

We all begin to remember and experience in a practical way that Source has no dissociative aspect. We will more be able to accept and understand different vibrational beings (such as lower vibrational beings around us) and being comfortable and stabilized with our Source. We will be in the path of becoming true Gods and true Goddesses, who accepts and blesses all kind of beings, and ready to help everyone to ascend and break free.

Being centered in the heart, we can easily help the mind to transform, then the mind will be healed, then more inner tranquility and harmony will emerge. With a healed and integrated mind-lower self, we can more open to anchor our energies of the Higher Self. The heart is the center - like the sun who gives light to everything - from we connect to our every part and aspect, then our true essence of unity will activate ourselves.

Then as we emerge in the connection, we more and more recognise our Source aspect, as the infinite being who we truly are.
The AN fire helps us to remember our true merged oneness: our God&Goddess essences.

The transformation process will not going to be a soft and confortable way at most cases. It can be really tests us.
However, if we are calm and accept and give blessings to all our experiences, the shift goint to be a better journey.

In the next video, the interstellar lightforces guided me to make a guided meditation to let begin to activate ourselves into the new reality:

Feel free to use the meditation as many times as you would like to, then it will more deeply help you to cleanse and heal your karmic timeline.

You can connect to Mother Gaia to work with her together as well, as she do her processes in a massive amount of energies, we can speed up the process with as many of us doing this!

Have a beautiful journey,

Much Blessings and love!

2020. február 3., hétfő

The StarGate 2020/0202

The StarGate 2020/0202

At this time, huge amount of events are happening in the background, especially in the alternate and parallel timelines.

At this weekend, a global mass meditation organised by 144 K starseed community to open and support the energetic process of the mirror gateway of 2020/0202.

More information:

After this energetical work, huge amount of dense/heavy energy was cleared out from the past timeline of Mother Gaia. As she had been released from lots of low energetical cords and dark contracts, she could began to process her purification of all other parallel timelines and alternate relaities where she connected to as "alternate Earth". Her major "solar-soul" was healed with all her connected "solar-soulparts" in alternate realities and merged and integrated into this new reality Event timeline.

This meditation was supported by authentic lightbeings from far beyond of this Universe, who are in extremly high levels of light where they beyond the perception of time and space.

Some of these alternate experiences were manipulated by the Chimera group members before, as they are capable in technology to shift timelines to an another one, that is more suitable for them. This is the partly reason why the timeline of the Event is postponed so much in the last 8 years. (At the may of 2018, there were a huge shift by the dark forces in order to avoid the super upcoming alpha- sinus waves from Alcyone Stargate, that was the preparatory of the energies of the Cosmic Flash: the Event).

We are all experiencing most effects of these events, especially in soul level, and the question is: how much we are aware about and how much we understand about these energetic connections between our lower-self and higher-self aspects and our emotional guiding system which connected to Source.

Some starseeds may experience deep emotional contrasts, which means; they may let themselves into the deep darkest feelings, and up to the highest emotions. This superwaves of experiences of the soul means that: we are now at the time of releasing and terminating our most illusions and long term attachments into the duality. With this opened stargate of 2020/0202 is a global mirror number which means the healing of duality which will be integrated into the One.

Other experiences may occur like more and deep connections to our twin-flame, our starfamily with our close soulmates who are not here in planet Earth. And the memories and emotions may intensified and occur for us.
Some starseeds may fall into deep depression, feeling absolutely "outlander" of this world and may feel the "deep missing home effect" even more than ever before.

Needed to be aware, that these processes are normal and part of this rising connections and energies. In this case, our egoic mental fragments wants to push us into attachment to this feelings and may trigger us to detach us from the flow. This experiences are tests for us, how to release our attachment onto anything, as we are need to truly realise our infinite potential which is part of all creation as we are connected truly and part of the Universe and the light beings.

Othercase, these energies helps for us to handle our lower-self parts including the ego parts as we learning to accept them and embrace them with love, then they will be more "sheep-handed". Higher self will guide how to heal our lower and integrate to the one. True inside peace will trigger the outside, and if there is no war inside then there will be no war outside.

Our Higher Selves do the Divine plan, so this time of "frenzy effect" is part of the plan and we have been trough with much time. So just recommended to keep calm, we 
should the most gentle with ourselves and centered in the heart. May ask Source for remembarance of your inner true love for yourselves, and as much let yourselves with ease into this process, as the pleasanter will be.

Most of the illusions of duality are under clearing process with Gaia as she also decided to ascend into 5D with her body Earth. So we will ascend with her together if we have made this decision.

Beings, who do not accept 5D ascension, they will be evacuated from this planet by the Galactic Federation, and they will be taken into an another 3D planet where they can continue their process with their own speed and they will get more support from the Light.

Souls who have good ability in shadow-work, this time is a good time for them to release and solve remained karmic issues and to account for themselves with deep love and forgiveness.

As for the Dark forces (the fallen ones), they are more and more freaking out as they finally realises that their effort much more mirroring back to them. This will help their dormant spark of Source to show their built mental fragmented egoic side, that they built their whole artificial mental world in order to survive, which is a huge illusion regarding the fact that they had lost their connection from Source. This is the main reason of the big picture.

They will soon understand that a being with centered in the heart core, it gains access to the energy of life which Source, and a being who completly lost it's energy source, they automaticly lead to a behavior to suck energy from other beings which leads to suffering. They suffering permeated into human consciousness and they do all to survive in a non-sustainable way. This caused by an accident over 8 million years ago which I am not giong to detail here, but this all will leads to the final recognition for them once for all.

All this needs to be healed and we are with the LightForces here to heal and support together all. Lot more dark beings stepped into the light in the last year decades and they faced all their actions and they had taken the responsibility to balancing and restoring their souls. As they are working with Source they gain forgiveness and love to end their dark cycles.

This is the perception of Source and this will be happen to all remaining dark beings. This cosmic experinece will leads to this end cycle, not just here in planet Earth, but in other possessed planets as well.

The love has won!

2020. január 21., kedd

The Maturing Fetus

The Maturing Fetus

More than a week ago, - after the activation of Uluru - the main energetical umbilical cord has been "fertilized" by the Cosmic Central Rays, as so many lightbeings anchored it during the last week.

This event results a point of an evolving fetus in the ancient womb of Mother Gaia. More precisely, this energetical living point represents the new energy pattern of the fifth dimensional Golden Planet which will be ready to receive the 3D Earth to ascend into 5D.

The Sun, (father archetype) now nurtures and protects this little youngling, and Earth (mother archetype) nurtures and holds her in her ancient womb.

The Pleiadians are pleased to embrace this process with joy and love and they are offer their Alcyone Sun's portal to emanate light to the daughter of Gaia

Now, we - the higher council of Cosmic Light - will focus on with the Galactic Forces of Light and the ancestors of Gaia to protect and support ,,the evolving little daughter" into this new reality timeline.

Feel free to join our meditation of supporting the Maturing Fetus at 23:00 CET, every day until the next update. 

You can use this guide if it is helpful for you:

1. Bring yourself into a relaxed state of consciousness (you can use your own techinc)

2. State with your free will: I use this meditation to support Gaia's little daughter to evolve safely.

2. Inwoke all your guides (angels, soulfamily, soulmates, twin-flame, your ancestors of light, ascended masters, your Starfamily of Light, etc.)

3. Call upon the rays of star-system Sirius to embrace the fetus with purity of love

4. Call upon the rays of star-system Pleiades to fullfill the fetus with purity of joy

5. Call upon the rays of the star-system Arcturus to apparel the fetus with spiritual wisdom of light

6. Call upon the rays of the Cosmic Central Sun to charge the fetus with the energy of God&Goddess and full of life

7. Visualize and feel and live that all the light rays are forming into spheres of light and embracing and nurturing the fetus inside the womb

The ,,Rainbow Serpent" Kundalini activation is still under process at 00:00 CET. (see at previous post)

The love has won!

2020. január 13., hétfő

The Rainbow Serpent

The Rainbow Serpent

As the massive astrologocal conjunctions of the year 2020, the energetical initiation has been started at the early stage of January (saturn-pluto-mercury-sun).

At 12th of January, we reached a critical mass effect of the global consciousness through global meditation, which has been triggered the Age of Aquarius transition process. This will really water all "dying life" here for sure.

At that day, as the surface lightworkers successfully anchored quite much Rays of the Cosmic Central Sun, so that Mother Gaia received enough energy to began to emerge her pure soft Goddess energy from her 5D Chrystal heart core, and started to flow through her Merkaba and Chackra system's and energy body lines (ley lines).


This liquid light blue energy flows through all energetic lines including the main power places as well.


During this energetical activation which has reached into great effectiveness, a new quantum leap has began regarding to the fifth dimensional transition.

It is important to note, at the same time the Australian Uluru (Ayers rock) and Kata Tjuta (Mt. Olga) places (Gaia's solar plexus) started to activate their energetical healing into a new phase. It is worth to know that this place has been closed for tourists since their healing has started at october of 2019, during their healing period of the cosmic umbilical cord of planet Earth.

The australian native lore tribes named this place as the ,,Rainbow Serpent" (this represents the divine feminim) and at 12 of January (UTC+9) they held a sacred ceremony named as: Ngaltawaddi. This ceremony is about to activate the Earth's solar plexus to connect with the Sun, and more deeper level with the Cosmic Central Sun.

The tribes long time ago had foreseen that; in 2020 the cosmic energetical umbilical cord will start its operation. Now, bubbles of light formed around and between the mountains, and the tribes sang the light energy into the bubbles during the ceremony.

The Rainbow Serpent will represent and bring the divine light into all ley lines and chackras throughout the planet. This partial female kundalini serpent will emerge from Uluru to Bali (world's purification center), to Mt. Kailash (tibet, crown), to Glastonbury (heart and 3rd eye) to Titicaca (sacral), then goes around to Uluru again.

As the Uluru - the Earth's solar plexus - started to reinforce the energetical connection with the cosmic umbilical cord with the central sun, it will bring the archetypal communication between Earth and the Sun. This will helps to the surface human population and all living being on Gaia to receive the upcoming Golden Age.

The Forces of Light and my Higher guidance asked me to release this intel now for all lightworker communities.

Feel free to join our meditations with the light beings at this week (13-19 January) at every day midnight 24:00/00:00 (UTC+1), and as much times as you can to help Gaia in this kundalini transfer and reconnection to the Cosmic Central Sun.

You can use our guide if its helpful for you:

1. Use your own technic to deep dive into a relaxed state of consciousness

2. Inwoke all your guides of the Light, your starfamily, the all cosmic central races of this multiverse, ask your Higher selves, your Authentic presence, ask the ascended masters (including Kuthumi, Sananda, Sanat Kumara, El Morya), the Arch Angels, your soulmates, your soulfamily, your Twinflame etc.

3. State your intent about supporting Mother Gaia in her transition and kundalini activation process

4. Visualize and channel rainbow, golden, white, blue, pure light rays from the cosmic central sun emanating through your body, down to the heart center of Gaia, then visualize liquid blue light emanating from the heart of the Earth, spreading through all ley lines and clearing all remaining darkness.

5. Then visualize this liquid blue light connects to the solar plexus of Gaia (Uluru&Kata Tjuta) fill its spheres of light, then a rainbow star kundalini female lightserpent start to arise through the above mentioned(Uluru-Bali-Mt. Kailash-Glastonbury-Lake Titicaca) chackras throughout the planet.

6. Visualize all Merkaba points of Gaia that is going brighter and brighter and they are forming their connection as a huge merkaba triangle.

7. Keep this visualization until you see and feel every lightgrid became shining and connecting to each other and to the center of the Earth.

You can connect also to the Sirian and Lyrian biospehric lightships and they are ready to help you to anchor 5D energies to Mother Nature as well.

The love has won!